In spite of being a very common doll, Kewpies are always desirable. Market report: The great thing about Kewpies is that everyone loves them, and nearly every antique doll collector wants at least one in a collection.There are also Kewpie knock-offs made in Japan. Comments: There are many Kewpie competitors, all-bisques that resemble Kewpies.Price: This doll, approximately $200 to $300 in excellent condition due to size less for smaller examples.
#Black baby doll made in china plus
Manufactured originally by Borgfeldt, later by Joseph Kallus and by Jesco in the 1980s, plus many other companies.
Characteristics: Doll is all-bisque. One-piece head/torso legs with arms jointed at shoulders.Marks: Sometimes a paper label this doll is marked "O'Neill" on the bottom of the feet.Size: 6 1/2 inches (comes in a great variety of sizes).
Many examples can be found in the $75 to $200 range. However, more unusual models, especially those with original clothing, fine painting, or unusual modeling, will bring considerably more.Īll-Bisque Kewpie Doll, Designed by Rose O'Neill
Market report: The glut of doll supply on eBay has caused lesser models of bathing beauty dolls to go down in price. Comments: A beautifully modeled doll, though it's unusual to find with the original costume. Dolls holding accessories have higher values.
Price: Doll in perfect condition is around $500 to $700 with two fingers broken on a bent arm (as this doll has), $300 at auction. Some dolls made in a similar style have been found stamped "Bavaria," and others have accessories such as mirrors and parrots. The outfit is all-original and consists of 1930s Turkish harem-style fashion clothing with a green turban and beaded earrings. The doll has painted facial features, pink slippers, and a brunette mohair wig. Characteristics: Doll is a one-piece figure of an adult nude woman. Also, the trend towards little dolls of this size continues because collectors often run out of room for the big dolls after a period of collecting. Market report: Quality all-bisque antique dolls continue to trend upward in price as collectors realize their fine detailing. Plaster pates are often found on Kestner all-bisques. Comments: Exceptional and beautifully modeled and painted doll equal in quality to many larger Kestner dolls. The wig is original blonde mohair over plaster pate. The mouth is closed with an accent line between lips. The doll has glass sleep eyes, feathered brows, painted lashes, accented nostrils, and eye corners. Legs are also shapely with defined knees and tiny ankles. Torso is very shapely with a waist and defined navel. Arms are modeled in the bent position at elbows, cupped right hand and clasped left hand. Characteristics: Round-faced with swivel head. Marks: The doll is marked "1" on the head and torso. However, this does not always hold true where luxurious fabrics are used, and outfit construction is of excellent quality. Another generalization is that French fashion dolls in regional costumes sell for less than those in city or "town" costumes. An all-original outfit adds to the value of the doll. Notably, these are very early dolls such as Huret or others from the early 1860s. Market report: Although painted eye French Fashion dolls tend to sell for less than glass-eye dolls, there are some exceptions. Doll wears a brass-stamped "Coeur coulant" necklace and carries a woven basket of eggs. The doll's shoes are wooden and leather sabots. Doll wears an elaborate costume from Puy-de-Dome in L'Auvergne. Outfit includes luxurious fabrics, including silks and velvets. Comments: Lovely doll is identical to the earliest signed poupee models from Bru. French kid fashion body with a shapely torso, one-piece arm and legs, and separated fingers. The doll has a hint of a smile. Brunette mohair wig over a cork pate. Characteristics: Doll has a bisque shoulder head and painted facial features. DATE of production: Very early poupee, circa 1865. French Bisque Poupee in Costume of L'Auvergne, France